Super Saturday Bingo 2/8 4p Lodge Meeting 2/13 7p Valentine's Dinner & Show 2/15 6p
Super Saturday Bingo 2/8 4p Lodge Meeting 2/13 7p Valentine's Dinner & Show 2/15 6p
The Vets on the Water Project is an Outreach program developed to serve our growing population of Veterans.
Many Elks are Veterans themselves. We understand vets often feel alone . Many of us are dealing with or have dealt with the stress and problems and wish to offer these services to help other veterans. Readjusting to civilian life is difficult for some and for years some are caught in a vicious cycle of decline. We hope to offer some relief from stress by providing a fun water related activity.
The good news is that many are able to reverse course and even though some continue to struggle each day, their lives now have meaning when before there was none. Most importantly we have learned that many of our Veterans find peace and solitude in the beauty of the great outdoors.
By and through our Veterans experiences we feel compelled to aid and assist other Veterans who we know are struggling. Through this program we hope to touch their hearts and open their eyes to the love and beauty that surrounds us. We want to provide a break in their routines and give them a chance to participate in an outdoor activity and hopefully bring some relief in their routines and showing them there are many of us who do care.
Vets on the Water is a program developed with a grant from the National Elks Foundation for Veterans & Active Military dealing with stress, readjustment, injuries, Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome (PTSD), etc.
It is the mission of Vets on the Water to provide an uplifting positive experience through outdoor, environmental & healthy activities that promotes the welfare and happiness of veterans showing that Elks care and Elks share.
In the Florida Keys we are blessed to have the pristine waters of the Atlantic Ocean, Gulf of Mexico, Florida Bay and Ten Thousand Islands where such activities are available.
Our Vets on the Water trips are offered
to all United States Armed Service Active Duty Personel
and Honorably Discharged Veterans.
Vets on the Water is funded entirely by
our Lodge fundraising efforts.
92600 Overseas Highway, Tavernier, Florida 33037, United States
92600 Overseas Highway, PO Box 255 Tavernier, Florida 33037, United States